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Meet and Code - FAQs

The prize money of 3,000€ should be used for the purpose of teaching, transmitting and promoting digital skills to children and youth.
The jury selection of events will take place after the Awards registration deadline. You will be notified via email if you are a finalist of one of the categories. Additionally, the results will be displayed on the website. The winners of all categories will be announced during the Award Ceremony.
No. Participation in the Awards is voluntary.
Applications for the Awards 2024 will open from 1 October to 10 November 2024 on the Meet and Code website. Organizations must provide a detailed event description and/or an impressive story from the event after it took place, along with inspiring pictures and feedback from participants and trainers/workshop organizers. Each event can only be submitted for one category.
For further information about the Awards and the application form, click here.
The Meet and Code grants are available for charities only. You will need to register your charitable organisation here on the Meet and Code Website. To register and validate your charitable status, you are redirected to the TechSoup Europe Platforms.

After you have successfully registered your organization there, you get a validation token to finish the registration on the Meet and Code Platform. You then can submit one or several event ideas on the Meet and Code Website and take part in Meet and Code! If you have been part of Meet and Code in the last years, you can login with your account and you need to revalidate your organization by getting a new validation toke at your TechSoup Account. Afterwards, you can submit new event ideas for this year.
Your organization must be charitable and therefore have a validated account with your local Techsoup partner - Charity Digital for the UK - to be able to take part at Meet and Code. In order to identify and validate your organization’s charitable status, it is necessary to receive a Validation Token from Charity Digital. If you are already registered with Charity Digital on tt-exchange, then please sign into your account on their website and get a Validation Token. If you are not registered with Charity Digital's donation programme, then please click below to register and follow the next steps. To get more information and register now, click here.
The following basic criteria apply for the event idea:

• The submitted event idea seeks to inspire and introduce young people to the world of technology and coding.
• The event has to be realized between 17 June and 31 October, 2024.
• The target audience are children and youth between 8 and 24 years old.
• Participation in the event must be free of charge.
• Each event must cater to a minimum of 20 children and young people. The event should ideally be focused and include children and youth with underserved and underrepresented (UU) backgrounds* .
• The event must be designed to last a minimum duration of 240 minutes. This timeframe can be achieved in one session or divided into multiple sessions. 

* Underserved and underrepresented groups mean, among other things people with migration and refugee background, from low income households/disadvantaged economic backgrounds, from socially deprived neighbourhoods, with no access to own IT device, ethnic minorities, and children and youth with disabilities.

Funding must only be used for the submitted project and charitable purposes, such as:

• Trainer for the workshop
• License for online teaching tools
• Learning materials for participants including curation and shipping, e.g. workings books or hardware
• Communication to reach potential participants, e.g. flyer, poster, online marketing
• Professional external support to enable an online event, e.g. technical support
• Rent for space needed because of e.g. technical infrastructure

If your event meets all of the above criteria, your event will be eligible for the application assessment process. After submitting your event, you will get a response within four weeks.
I am a representative of a library:

If you have a nonprofit status in your country, you can apply for a grant. If you are not sure, contact your local TechSoup partner. If you do not have a nonprofit status, you will need to find a charitable organization as a cooperation partner.

I want to organize an event as a private person:

You are required to find a charitable organization as a cooperation partner.
Please note, that grants can only be transferred to charitable organisations. Therefore, it is important that your school is charitable. In most cases, schools have a charitable school association with whom they can register to Meet and Code. If not, it is also possible to find a nonprofit organization as a cooperation partner. Once you are registered, you can submit your event and hold the event as part of a school lesson. If you do not know the lesson schedule for the next month’s yet, you can indicate an approximate time where you think the event could take place during your lesson. When submitting your event, you can choose the option, "Event fully booked”. In that case, no other people, apart from your students, take part in the event.
Share your idea with your parents, teacher, librarian or local nonprofit organization representative! If you need our support, tell them about the Meet and Code initiative as well. You can find some useful resources that you can use during your event in our Inspiration Library.
Yes! You can submit as many different ideas as you like. Please take into account that each event must be distinct in its content.
The registration for Meet and Code is open from 22 May until 30 September, 2024. Unfortunately, late submissions will not be accepted.
You will get a response within four weeks after submitting your idea.
You will receive a confirmation email with the bank details that were provided when you registered. We would ask you to review the information und contact us promptly if there are any changes. The funding money is transferred within few weeks. We ask that you send us a donation receipt once funding is received. Then it is in your hands to organise a successful event! You can find useful resources Inspiration Library and to support your communications outreach, you can also download useful tools and templates here.
Each funded non-profit organization is required to complete a reporting survey, consisting of two questionnaires - one to be filled out before, and one after the event - within 48 hours has taken place. Regardless of the number of events conducted, only one survey per organization is necessary. The survey form will be sent to the email address of the contact person of the granted event once it has been approved. In addition to the reporting survey, there is also a participant survey for the attendees of the event. The funded non-profit organization is encouraged to conduct this survey with the participants at the beginning and end of the event. This survey is voluntary. Depending on your country, you will also be required to provide a confirmation or a donation receipt detailing the donation received for the Meet and Code initiative. If you require more details about the terms and conditions, please click here.
The Meet and Code Inspiration Library offers you a wide range of free materials including ideas and methods to organize your event. We also encourage you to look at events that have already registered, click here.
If you wish to let other people know about your Meet and Code event, you can do this through social media using the hashtags: #MeetaAndCode #MeetAndCode2024 #amazonfutureengineer, #DigitalSkills4All #CollectiveImpact and #codeEU. Events on the website can be directly shared through the social media icons.

If your event has been approved, soon afterwards you will receive a Welcome Package via email that will include communication guidelines, graphics and ideas to help you promote your event. You can also download it directly on our website anytime you need it. Just log in on the Meet and Code website and go to “Downloads” section.
Yes! Go to our storytelling page where you can find a simple guidebook how to describe your story and send it to the contact person in your country. The story should be in English, but if you want, you can include also the version in your local language. If you send us all necessary information, we will be happy to share your success in both language versions! If you want to send us photos or videos, we ask you to provide us a written statement that you have collected consent from event participants before sharing your story on our website. You can find it as an attachment in the guidebook. Before you do that, you have to receive appropriate consent from the participants, or in case of children – their legal guardians - to share such images publicly. You can find the consent template in the ‘Download’ section after you log in on Meet and Code website.