
Meet and Code Awards

The Meet and Code Awards presents and honors the most successful event ideas. The goal is to inspire others to do the same in the next years, because digital education is so important. We're looking for the best ideas in the following categories.

Meet and Code Awards Virtual Gala in March 2021

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The Winners 2020

It was the 3rd time when Meet and Code had a chance to honor the best practice events that improve our lives and contribute to the digitalization of the young, European generation. 

Congratulations to the five winning projects! 

Winner in the category: Code for Europe

Organization: De Creatieve STEM & Digijeunes

Name of project: Makers United & Jeunes "makers" européens

Country: Belgium & France

Build, show and tell! A DIY project for a unified network of young European creators. Together for a better Europe. Show more

Winner in the category: Code for the Planet

Organization: Center of Euroinitiatives/ЦЕНТР ЄВРОІНІЦІАТИВ' 

Name of project: Ecological IT Quest/Екологічний IT-Квест

Country: Ukraine

Ecological IT Quest was designed to improve the level of programming of students and teach them about the environment. Show more

Winner in the category: Community

Organization: DENSA Coop Soc 

Name of project: Code&LightUp

Country: Italy

Code & LightUp used the potential of coding to make children's creativity transformative and turn on lights in a neighbourhood. Show more

Winner in the category: Diversity

Organization: ARSIS Organisation for the social support of youth 

Name of project: My Story

Country: Greece

My Story was a project where refugee children presented their stories to the public using the Scratch platform. Show more

Winner in the category: Girls do IT!

Organization: Mar de Colores e.V. 

Name of project: Webseminar: Cyborgfabrics/ Cyborggewebe

Country: Germany

Cyborggewebe, the German winner of the Girls do IT! Category, aimed at improving self-confidence and equality of girls in IT and programming. Show more

Award Categories 2020

The five categories of the Meet and Code Awards 2021 are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Meet and Code is looking for events that contribute to those goals and combine them with the idea of IT and Coding.

Girls do IT!

Gender equality plays an important role in today’s modern and
inclusive society. This award category aims to help close the
gender gap in IT and Coding. We are looking for creative events
that break down gender stereotypes and empower girls in coding.
Events in this category could, for example, focus on sparking the
interest and fun in programming, especially among girls, while
including parents to support awareness of gender bias in tech


Commitment to diversity is critical to individual and organizational success, and by embracing different perspectives we are made stronger by our combination of culture, religious and ethnic origin, age, gender, and sexual orientation. In the Diversity category, we seek ideas that inspire children and young people for a world with equal opportunities. We also extend this to mental and physical abilities and different living and working conditions. For example, this could address juvenile prisoners, or focus on IT for people with vision and hearing impairments.

Code for the Planet

Did you know that you can track bees by means of modern
technology? We are looking for events that combine coding and
actions for the planet. All coding events that improve climate
change education through raising awareness on this topic are of
valuable contribution to SDG 13. Examples of events in this
category could deal with air pollution measurement or tools for
energy efficiency.


A local community is a safety net for its people. Events of this
category take the local aspects and customs into consideration
and think about community-specific needs. The events should
creatively unite and foster cohesion among people and
neighbourhoods with similar interests and goals through the
passion to “meet and code”! Events in this category could for
example work on a platform for your area.

Code for Europe

Working together is extremely important, especially when it comes to overcoming difficulties and challenges posed by EU digitization. Closely linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #17 Partnerships for the Goals this category seeks to initiate cross border collaboration between companies and unite children of different backgrounds and locations through Meet and Code events. Events in this category include; safe and responsible online media use, looking at ways we can bring different nationalities of children & youth together, tackling disinformation and combating fake news, and creative solutions that deal with today’s digital challenges across Europe.

The Finalists 2020

In 2020, Meet and Code was looking for the third time for best practice events that illustrated how tech can improve lives. Almost 900 events participated in the Meet and Code Awards 2020. The Jury selected 15 exceptional events as finalists. 

The finalists of the Meet and Code Awards 2020 are:

Code for Europe
Organisation Event Country
Ivano-Frankivsk IT cluster Вчимося програмувати, мандруючи! Ukraine
De Creatieve STEM Makers United Belgium
Digijeunes Jeunes "makers" européens France
Sharing Europe Europe Big Quiz Italy

Code for the Planet
Organisation Event Country
ЦЕНТР ЄВРОІНІЦІАТИВ' Екологічний IT-Квест Ukraine
Galgahévízi Iskoláért Alapítvány Természetközeli programozás Hungary
Balally Family Resource Centre Limited Mission Zero Ireland

Organisation Event Country
The Ural Club of New Trends in Education Хакатон «Сообщество реки Чусовой» Hachathon «Chusovaya River Community» Russia
Paisley YMCA Five days of Code United Kingdom
DENSA Coop Soc Code&LightUp Italy

Organisation Event Country
Asoc. Metodelor Alternative de Integrare Socială Programarea pe nevazute: de unde incepem? Romania
ARSIS - Association for the Social Support of youth My Story Greece
anderskompetent gmbh flyingDigi Austria

Girls do IT!
Organisation Event Country
Mar de Colores e.V. Webseminar: Cyborg-gewebe Germany
Mateřské a rodinné centrum KuřiMaTa z.s Holčičí robohraní Czech Republic
ZAVOD NEFIKS Dekleta ne izdelujejo le piškotov Slovenia

The Jury 2020

Fabrizia Benini

Head of Unit Digital Economy and Skills at European Commission, Brussels

A lawyer by training, Fabrizia Benini joined the European Commission in 1995.
Throughout her career, she has worked on the intersection between regulatory frameworks and technological developments taking into account the users' perspective. At present, her work focuses on the digital economy, its measurement and the impact digital development may have on the labour market and on skills. Currently one of her main tasks is to devise policy responses to the current digital skills gap.


Marc Durando

Executive Director of European Schoolnet, Brussels

Marc Durando has over 35 years’ experience in the field of education and training, both at European and national level. He has worked in the education and training area since 1983, where, after five years in the field of continuing education for enterprises, he developed specific expertise on European cooperation in the field of education and training.

Since September 2006, Marc Durando joined the European Schoolnet network as Executive Director of the European Schoolnet. As a network of 34 ministries of education, European Schoolnet’s mission is to support those ministries, schools, teachers and relevant education stakeholders in Europe in the transformation of education processes for 21st century digitalized societies. More particularly, European Schoolnet’s remit is to identify and test promising innovative practices, share evidence about their impact, and support mainstreaming teaching and learning practices aligned with 21st century standards and expectations for the education of all students.

Clemens Frede

Head of Business Development and Member of the Management Board, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, Munich

Clemens Frede has been systematically establishing the business unit "Corporate Engagement & Non-Profits" at the Haus des Stiftens gGmbH since 2008 - in cooperation with more than 100 partners, more than 80,000 non-profit organizations are now supported via digital platforms and programs. He works closely with key players in the IT industry and has many years of experience in the non-profit sector. Clemens Frede was born in Ravensburg in 1978 and studied sociology and political science at the University of Mainz. He is married and has two children.

Valerie Mocker

Tech-for-Good entrepreneur, member of the supervisory board

Valerie Mocker is founder and managing director of Wingwomen, a platform that brings young digital talents into supervisory and management positions. The lack of young, digital leaders in the field of decision makers is one of the biggest barriers to a successful digital transformation. As a Tech-for-Good investor and former director of the innovation fund Nesta, Valerie has helped leaders and organizations around the world to improve their daily lives through digital innovation. As an international speaker and columnist for Handelsblatt, Valerie promotes a future that everyone can shape and a digitalization that benefits everyone. She is a board member of Wikipedia/Wikimedia DE, was named one of the "40 under 40" executives by Capital Magazine and holds two degrees (summa cum laude) from the University of Oxford.

Katie Morgan Booth

Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, SAP North America

Katie Morgan Booth is based in the United States, a California native with a passion for volunteering and serving her community. Her early career was spent working within large US focused organizations where she mobilized 100K+ volunteers and managed large multi-million dollar corporate donations to improve communities across North America.  She joined SAP North America in 2013 and now leads Corporate Social Responsibility for the region, in this role she is responsible for bringing the three global CSR pillars: connecting employees to purpose, accelerating best-run non-profits & social enterprises and building digital skills for underrepresented youth to life in North America. She works closely to build impactful partnerships with education partners, youth entrepreneurship non-profits and community organizations. Katie lives in the San Francisco area with her wife and toddler. After surviving a traumatic pregnancy and having a medically complicated infant, she has a personal passion for advocacy work for expecting mothers and helping families find community who are experiencing medical crisis.

Dr. Markus Richter

State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology, Berlin

Dr. Markus Richter was born in Münster/Westphalia in 1976. He has two children.
After studying law at the University of Münster, he received his doctorate in 2003 and completed his practical legal training at the Regional Court in Hamm with the second state examination in law one year later. Since 2005 Dr. Markus Richter has held several positions at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). There he is involved in human resources, organization, the office of the President and policy issues regarding integration and migration. In 2014, he was appointed Head of IT units at the Federal Office of Administration. From 2015, he returned to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as head of the Infrastructure and IT Directorate-General and became Vice-President of the office in 2018. Since May 1, 2020, Dr. Markus Richter has been State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology.

Anna Sienicka

Vice President of TechSoup Europe, Warsaw

Anna is responsible for the strategic direction of the TechSoup Europe which is part of the TechSoup Global Network that consists of 61 of capacity-building organizations, and serves 1,100,000 registered NGOs, within over 8 billion euros delivered in technology tools and philanthropic services. Her background includes employability, social enterprises, social and digital inclusion, civic technology, as well as the development of friendly policies and a legal environment for civil society. Anna holds master's degrees in both Law and Economy and Society from Warsaw and Lancaster Universities respectively. She was a member of the Minister of Labour’s Public Benefit Work Council and the Polish Prime Minister’s Social Economy Task Force in Poland (under D. Tusk’s administration).

Hartmut Thomsen

President Middle & Eastern Europe, SAP SE

Hartmut Thomsen is President of Middle and Eastern Europe (MEE). He is responsible for all sales, operations and development of the business in this region, containing the Market Units Germany, Switzerland, CEE (including Austria) and CIS. He reports to Adaire Fox-Martin, member of the Executive Board of SAP SE, Global Customer Operations.

Thomsen is a well-established executive in the market having most recently worked as SAP’s MEE Chief Operating Officer & Head of Cloud and prior to that as Managing Director of SAP Germany from 2012 to 2016. Thomsen joined SAP in 2011 heading up Financial Services and Public Services for SAP Germany. Prior to joining SAP, Hartmut Thomsen held numerous leadership positions at various companies including IBM and Oracle.

Hartmut Thomsen, born in Elmshorn, Germany in 1971, holds a diploma in Economics and Business Administration from the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main. He is married and has three children. xx