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My Story

ARSIS - Association for the Social Support of youth

Description "My Story" is a project where refugee children will present their stories to the public using the Scratch platform. Their stories will include their journey from their country to Greece and information about their countries and the storytelling will be followed by a quiz.
The age of the children is between 8 and 14 years old and their countries of origin include Palestine, Congo, Afghanistan and Syria. These children study in KEDU and LEDU, which are two non-formal educational centers of the Greek NGO ARSIS, supported by the UNHCR.
Also, the two educational centers will work alongside using the Skype platform for some online meetings.
A great chance is given to the children to meet the world of technology. Some of the children never had the chance before to work on a computer , let alone to create a digital project. They will meet the Windows OS, the internet and the Scratch platform. In addition, they will improve the English language and the project will enhance the cooperation and the team spirit between them.
Regarding the impact on the public, the project will raise awareness concerning to the refugee crisis and the people will expand their knowledge on the refugee issue.

Age group 8 - 14


Type Online-Event

Date 04.09.2020    09:30 - 10:30
11.09.2020    09:30 - 10:30
18.09.2020    09:30 - 10:30
25.09.2020    09:30 - 10:30
02.10.2020    09:30 - 10:30
09.10.2020    09:30 - 10:30
16.10.2020    09:30 - 10:30

Max. Participants 10 You want to take part in? Please contact our local contact person.

Participation is free.

Contact ARSIS - Association for the Social Support of youth Website:
Mail of contact person:

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