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Meet and Code Award 2018

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The Winners

Category Kick and Code

Asociata Pro Teodor Murasanu, Romania

For their project:
“Scratch and… Gooal!”

Category Innovation

Globe Community Library at Stokesley, UK

For their project:
“Build our own 3D printer”

Category Diversity

Charitable Foundation “Veteran”, Ukraine

For their project:
Master class “Profession of a programmer – a step into the future”

The Finalists

More than 700 events participated in the Meet and Code Award 2018 in three award categories. The Jury selected 15 exceptional events as finalists. Two representatives of each organization are invited to an Award Weekend at the SAP headquarters in Walldorf. In addition, the first place winner of each category will be announced in Waldorf and will receive a prize of 2.500 euros.

The finalists of the Meet and Code Award 2018 are:

Organisation Event Country
Alr - Associazione Lorenzo Risolo Let's have fun with HTML Italy
Association for people with disabilities Integration Open classes for children with vision and hearing disorder Russia
Charitable Foundation "VETERAN" Master class «Profession of a programmer - a step into the future» Ukraine
Connect o.z. Creativity in each of us Slovakia
Фондация "Яника" Girls in the Code Bulgaria
Organisation Event Country
Association Noosphere 3D-modelling course for high-school pupils “Generation 3D” Ukraine
Modelarski centar Kutina 3D design of robotic arm in Fusion-360, production and programming Croatia
Stadtbibliothek Linz Hello World Austria
The Globe Community Library at Stokesley Build our own 3D Printer UK
The Ural Club of New Trends in Education The Hackathon on computer vision and self-driving cars Russia
Organisation Event Country
"Children's and youth association - STEP" Public foundation Week of programming and football Kazakhstan
Asociatia Pro Teodor Murasanu Scratch and... Goooal! Romania
Junior MIAGE Concept The Stadium Code France
Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Dzieci i Młodzieży "Rozwiń skrzydła" LIGA MINDSTORMS Poland
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Szkoły Podstawowej w Dębem Wielkim "Szkoła z uśmiechem" Kodełkowo Poland


Nieuw dit jaar! Meet and Code beloont de beste evenementen en zet deze in de spotlight bij het brede publiek. Awards worden in drie categorieën toegekend:

  • Girls do IT (Meisjes doen IT!)

    Voor de Meet and Code evenementen die een probleem proberen op te lossen met betrekking tot het thema gelijke kansen en gendergelijkheid.

  • Code for the Planet (Coderen voor de planeet)

    Meet and Code evenementen die creatieve leermethoden ontwikkelen en promoten en / of actuele digitale / computerproblemen onderzoeken. We zijn op zoek naar innovatieve evenementen om de doelgroep te bereiken en om mensen bewust te maken van IT-gerelateerde onderwerpen, evenals evenementen die baanbrekende technologieën behandelen zoals het Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, AI (artificiële intelligentie), 3D-printen, enz.

  • Diversity (Diversiteit)

    Meet and Code evenementen die gebruikmaken van IT of andere digitale onderwerpen om ongelijkheden in hun gemeenschap of de samenleving in het algemeen aan te pakken en te verminderen. We zijn op zoek naar evenementen die gelijke kansen vergroten, tolerantie bevorderen en ongelijkheden ontkrachten op basis van geslacht, ras, religie, handicap, sociale en economische status enz.

Judges for the Meet and Code Award

Dr. Bernd Welz

Executive Vice President and Chief Knowledge Officer, SAP SE

Dr. Bernd Welz is Executive Vice President and Chief Knowledge Officer at SAP SE. In his role, he is responsible for global knowledge transfer to SAP’s customers, partners and other external communities. As an expert in digital education and education technology, he is a member of the EU Governing Board of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the University Council at Heidelberg University. Welz joined SAP in 1997. Since then, he has held several transformational leadership roles and was, amongst others, responsible for the foundation of SAP Cloud services. Before joining SAP, he was a strategy consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in Germany and the UK. Welz holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, and a doctoral degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.

Anna Sienicka

Vice President of TechSoup Europe, Warsaw

Anna Sienicka is responsible for the strategic direction of TechSoup in Europe. She leads the development of the TechSoup Europe Network. The network consists of 24 capacity-building organisations who are active in 44 countries serving over 400,000 registered NGOs providing over a billion euros of savings to the sector since inception. Her responsibilities include playing the central role in developing and scaling socially oriented technology solutions throughout the network and region.

Clemens Frede

Head of Business Development and Member of the Management Board, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, Munich

Clemens Frede is a member of the management board and leads business development at Haus des Stiftens gGmbH. For the last ten years, he has developed and expanded the IT portal Stifter-helfen with more than 40 partners and 60,000 registered non-profit organizations. He works closely with key players in the IT industry and has long-term experience in the non-profit sector.