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Sparking an Interest by Inspiring, Empowering and Breaking down Gender Stereotypes in Coding

St Francis CE Primary School

Опис The main thrust of the event is to address gender stereotypes and misconceptions in coding with a whole school launch followed by a series of classroom based activities. A Specialist Computing STEM Ambassador has been requested to attend the event at the beginning and primarily address the girls from our Key Stage 2 classes (8-11 year olds). They will talk about the importance of STEM in the workplace environment and the practical application of coding in a career-based context. Following the initial launch, Key Stage 2 teachers (8 classes) will follow-up by adjusting their weekly timetable to allocate sessions to delivering an exciting opportunity to fully explore how coding is used in the workplace environment. The opportunity will help to give the girls in our school a global view and help to bring coding to life with real examples to make programming relatable and much more exciting too.

Due to our school demographic and catchment area, there are a number of Pupil Premium children (defined as being from low-income families) who will stand to benefit substantially. They will have an opportunity to hear from an expert in their field which will inspire them to seek out opportunities linked with STEM which they may have previously thought to be unattainable.

The event will be shared with parents via our Seesaw communications app, school website and newsletter and in person celebration sessions.


Вікова група 8 - 11


Тип Офлайн-подія

Дата 23.09.2024    09:00 - 15:30

Адреса St Francis
SN25 1UH Swindon

Максимальна кількість учасників 120 Бажаєте взяти участь? Будь ласка, зв’яжіться із контактною особою у вашій країні.

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Контакт St Francis CE Primary School Вебсайт: https://stfrancis.swindon.sch.uk/
Електронна адреса відповідальної особи: adunsdon@stfrancis.swindon.sch.uk

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