Swansea MAD is a youth and community charity. Our event will inspire and introduce children and young people to coding and technology, which they otherwise cannot access due to financial barriers, digital poverty and a lack of local opportunities.
The workshops will provide an opportunity for children and young people to be creative and inventive, igniting their passion for technology and coding, through exploring and creating Virtual Reality environments using Unity Engine software. Young people will develop skills in 3D object design, modelling, simulation, coding and visual programming.
The workshop will include activities and accessible learning resources.
Our event will support children and young people to develop coding and digital skills, while also building their confidence and motivation to engage with technology.
The target group will be children and young people experiencing poverty and who are digitally excluded, including those who are Black and non-Black people of Colour, LGBTQ+, disabled and marginalised genders. Our youth work approach and values will create a safe and inclusive space in which children and young people can learn and thrive.