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Learn with MakeCode Arcade


Опис Content:
Learn how to code Arcade Games using the MakeCode Arcade and the Kitronik ARCADE.

Part 1: Introduction to MakeCode Arcade - drawing links with other block based coding (Scratch, MakeCode for Micro:bit etc) Follow a tutorial to create a simple Whack-a-Mole game

Part 2: Complete two more tutorial games by following tutorials. Learn about different programming constructs, variables and controlling movement of a character

Part 3: Design and create your own game. This could be an adaptation of one of the tutorial games or free choice using the available resources

The increase the engagement of students in coding at Year 6
To provide opportunities for girls to participate equally

Target students:
Girls (although boys are also welcome to attend). Students will be invited from surrounding primary schools to attend.
Girls do IT! This event will aim to promote gender equality by encouraging girls' interest in coding.

Event date:
Depending on numbers the event will run over one or multiple days. If a full day this will be offered to 20 students for 6 hours. If multiple events these will be 3 groups of approx 20 students for 2 hours. Dates will be in September depending upon the availability of local primary schools.

The event will be well suited to the target group as I will use existing students from our school to work with groups as good visible role models. The girls supporting will be from a variety of different year groups.


Вікова група 10 - 11


Тип Офлайн-подія

Дата 25.09.2024    09:00 - 15:00

Адреса Alderley Edge School for Girls
SK9 7QE Alderley Edge

Максимальна кількість учасників 60 Бажаєте взяти участь? Будь ласка, зв’яжіться із контактною особою у вашій країні.

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Контакт ALDERLEY EDGE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Вебсайт: www.aesg.co.uk
Електронна адреса відповідальної особи: lgardiner@aesg.co.uk

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