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Poetic Coding: exploring non-linear narratives with Twine

Sorora e.V.

Опис Poetic Coding is a workshop in which we will explore the possibilities of interactive publishing on the Web. In the workshop we will create non-linear narratives with Twine, playing with hypertext and other features.

The Poetic Coding workshop invites those interested in video games and literature to explore new possibilities for publishing on the Web. Through an introduction to creative storytelling and video games, participants will learn the basic tools to publish a non-linear story in HTML using Twine.

In order to make our stories highly interactive, in this workshop we will expand the limits of classic storytelling by experimenting with all the possibilities that hypertext grants, as well as by exploring features such as CSS and JavaScript.

Poetic Coding is especially aimed to migrant members of the FLINTA* community, between the age of 16 and 24. The workshop seeks to encourage the creative crossings between literature and coding, by providing a safe space for participants where they will be able to ask questions and to deepen their understanding of the subject matter with confidence. A general goal of Poetic Coding is to contribute in reducing the gender gap in computer science and programming.

The workshop will be held in Spanish and English.


Вікова група 16 - 24


Тип Офлайн-подія

Дата 28.10.2023    10:00 - 14:00

Адреса Hansabibliothek , Altonaer Str. 15
10557 Berlin

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Контакт Sorora e.V. Вебсайт: sorora.org
Електронна адреса відповідальної особи: b.bielitz@sorora.org

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