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Tun'E Up your ML Dashboard

Tun'Up Munich e.V.

Descriere We'd like to cordially welcome you to our session aiming to deploy your ML app using "streamlit” The session which will be held online on October 30, 2022.

The goal of this workshop is to introduce young people (12–24 years old) to the world of technology and coding.

From IT amateur to IT Guru, either at school, at university or at work, we always need to design delightful dashboards documenting progress and results. One simple way to do such for ML models is to use Streamlit: a powerful open-source framework enabling users to create stunning web applications in just a few clicks.

In this context, Tun'Up Munich e.V., a social and humanitarian non-profit organisation working to improve Tunisian education, plans to host an online session on streamlit.

Our session's program consists of a theoretical section outlining the fundamental ideas of the Streamlit as well as a hands-on section to ensure learning by doing. Participants will be able to build their first web application using Streamlit by the end of our session.

Vârste participanți 17 - 24

Grad dificultate

Format eveniment Eveniment online

Dată 23.10.2022    11:00 - 13:00

Numărul max. de participanți 25 Vrei să participi la eveniment? Ia legătura cu reprezentantul acestuia.

Participarea la eveniment este gratuită pentru participanţi.

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