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Indi Car coding event

The Friends of Stratton Primary

Descriere The event is split into two parts:

First, UKS2 children will be given a training session by myself. This will be 8 children (one to each device). They will learn how these devices are programmed, what they can do, they will be taught the basics first, building to more complex understanding throughout the session. Then, we will go through and design a lesson for these children to help deliver to younger children in small groups.
Then, part two will be that these older children, with me overseeing and supporting, will support and lead 2-3 younger children (many of these will be from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethinic minorities or low income households) to help them develop their programming and reasoning and problem solving skills to create their own race tracks for their Indi Cars. They will have to remain resilient, debug and programme further to make their designs more challenging as they progress in their knowledge further.

The goals of the event are:
Developing and enhancing the children's understanding of physical hardware.
Children will programme, design and debug issues within their programme to successfully achieve challenges.
Children will learn to work as a team, lead, support, encourage others.
Children will gain resilience when they debug.
Children will plan a lesson/activity that is suitable for the LKS2 children to progress their understanding.

The target group will be low income/socially deprived households and those from ethnic minorities. This will be both for the older group of children who will lead, teach and then be role models to the younger pupils (who will be the same group).

The children in our school currently have very limited access to physical, programmable technology, particularly the younger children so this will offer them a real wow factor while enhancing their learning of computing and coding. The older children will gain repsonsiblity and leadership skills which will benefit them socially as well academically through these devices. It will give them purpose and make them feel special and valued. While the younger children will also have the awe and wonder of learning something new from their older role models too. This is an opportunity they are unlikely to receive without us purposefully selecting these children to have this experience.


Vârste participanți 8 - 11

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Format eveniment Eveniment offline

Dată 09.09.2024    09:30 - 15:00

Adresă New Road
EX23 9AP Bude

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