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Build our own 3D Printer


Opis We provide a Community Library Service in Stokesley, North Yorks. We have only one paid member of staff & depend on a large team of volunteers (106) & various sources of grant funding for our continued existence. For more than a year we have provided a full range of library services to our community & we continue to expand our services whenever possible, including events & facilities for people of all ages & abilities in everything we do.
During EU Code Week & in the following weeks, we would like to take a significant extra step by starting a 3D Printing Club for at least 20 young people, aged between 10 & 24. Members of the new club & volunteers will work together, first to build a 3D Printer from scratch, using a basic kit of parts to make a functional 3D printer, then further developing the software to enable the printer to make its own additional parts so that we can develop it into a more reliable and higher quality printer, which will ultimately be capable of making high resolution colour objects, all designed and coded by the young people As the Club continues, young people will learn the benefits of working together to develop and use coding to create solid objects.


Grupa wiekowa 10 - 24

Poziom trudności

Rodzaj wydarzenia Wydarzenie offline

Data 16.10.2018    09:30 - 19:00

Adres North Road
TS9 5DH Stokesley, Middlesbrough

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