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Wadebridge School

Description This event is targeted at those who enjoy lego and physical computing and coding. We are a business and Computing team who work with the STEM coordinator at the school to put on a lego league. We would like to buy the in school kit so we can have inter school competitions . We will target those with FSM and PP students as well as Females as we are trying to encourage more girls into computing and physics.


Tranche d'âge 11 - 14


Type Événement en présentiel

Date 03.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
10.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
17.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
24.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00

Adresse Gonvena Hill
PL27 6BU Wadebridge

Participants max. 25 Vous voulez participer ? Veuillez contacter notre responsable local.

La participation est gratuite

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