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Meet and Code 2022

Meet and Code is proud to share its impact for 2022, highlighting once again another year of changing lives and empowering young people with digital skills.

Meet and Code 2022

Aligned with EU Code Week, which kicks off annually in October, over 33 700 participants joined the 2022 Meet and Code activities from over 1,000 fun and interactive workshops hosted by non-profit organizations (NPOs) across 21 European countries.

Fun and interactive, the Meet and Code workshops are hosted by non-profit organizations (NPOs) across countries, including Austria, France, Romania, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

To assist in hosting and facilitating the workshops, funding of up to 500 euros per event is provided.

For 2022, 68% of NPOs said that their events were only possible because of the funding provided!

▶️ Watch the video below to see the impact Meet and Code 2022 has made:

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