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Nowadays, most of us use the Internet as a primary tool to organize events that usually took place in real time. Moving to the digital world was not an easy task.

#meetandcode #webinar #security

This Wednesday, September 16th, we held an amazing webinar on “Cyber Security During an Online Event.” Nowadays, most of us use the Internet as a primary tool to organize events that usually took place in real time. Moving to the digital world was not an easy task. What made it even more difficult, were the dangers lurking at us from every corner of the Internet. That is why, our panelist, Filip Jurkiewicz, told us all about the threats that await you and participants of your online events. We learned how to protect our webinars and how to make people aware of the importance of protecting our online activity.
If you missed this webinar or you want to experience it once again, you can watch it here

But if you are still not convinced to click on the link (which we highly doubt), we have 8 tips and tricks that Filip shared with us during his webinar. Check them out below.

  • Make a clear policy what is allowed and what is not allowed during the webinar. That’s a good starting practice to ensure cyber security.
  • Remember that shoulder surfing is social engineering practice so you should also protect your environment.
  • Lock your online meetings - it is like closing the door behind you and giving the key only to people that you want to work with.
  • When reviewing some application or software, look for the data collection period. The shorter, the better.
  • To avoid data being compromised, I suggest using one password per account. Do not recycle them. Password generator is advised.
  • Bit defender is one of the best security software for your smartphone.
  • Secure communication apps for you and your pupils: Signal, very secured and encrypted communication app. It’s a public project, still in development, but already a very good choice. Wickr and Wire are also very good and safe communicators. 
  • When using Microsoft Teams, you can control messaging options for the participants of your webinar and, for example, set forbidden words.