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3D Design and Printing

Alban City Free School

Description What content does the event teach?
- This event will introduce the pupils to different types of and capabilities of 3D printers.
- They will also learn about static 3D designs using simple shapes and text.

Which methods and resources are used to convey this content to the participants?
- Using the software TinkerCad, pupils will be able to access 3D design and printing at an age and developmentally appropriate level.

What are the goals of the event?
- After time to explore the software, pupils will design their own 3D keyring which will then be printed from them to take home.

Which target group are you addressing with your event?
- This day event will be accessible to all 60 pupils in Year 5 but specifically to help engage the 14 pupils with special educational needs in their learning of which a group has high needs.

What makes your event special for the target group?
- 3D design and printing is an experience that none of the pupils will have accessed before and to be able to have their designs printed to take home will embed this experience further.

Is there any other relevant information for the target group, e.g. about registration?
- Within this group, a further 18 children have English as an additional language and 6 are on the ppg register.


Age group 9 - 10


Type Offline-Event

Date 07.10.2024    08:30 - 15:30

Address Alban City School, 7 Hatfield Road
AL1 3RR St Albans

Max. Participants 60 You want to take part in? Please contact our local contact person.

Participation is free.

Contact Alban City Free School Website:
Mail of contact person:

Social media @albancityschool

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