

Meet and Code verbindt duizenden mensen: vertegenwoordigers van non-profitorganisaties, trainers, leraren, ouders, werknemers van Amazon, vrijwilligers en natuurlijk - kinderen en jonge volwassenen. Hoewel alle evenementen draaien om coderen, heeft elk evenement zijn eigen unieke smaak en benadert het digitale vaardigheden anders.

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Onze impact

Meet and Code is een Europees initiatief. Bekijk de impact die we al hebben gehad.

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Meet and Code Stories

Achter elk evenement staan de mensen die het allemaal mogelijk maken. Lees hun verhalen en leer meer over hun ideeën over het leveren van kwaliteitsonderwijs in digitale vaardigheden.

Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: CoderDojo Belgium Terugblik van CoderDojo Belgium op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: Hadi & Hoti Education Terugblik van Hadi & Hoti Education op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: The Indietopia Accelerator Terugblik van The Indietopia Accelerator op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: Stichting Wedowe Terugblik van Stichting Wedowe op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: Stichting CodeKlas Terugblik van Stichting CodeKlas op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Meet and Code 2023 ervaring: Stichting Bright Future Terugblik van Stichting Bright Future op de Meet and Code-editie van 2023.
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Green light to ideas! Model Your Dream City by SHARING EUROPE, ITALY "Model your Dream City" event by Sharing Europe, Italy, is Meet and Code 2021 Winner in the SDG-11 category: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
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No More Fairy Tales: Video Game Workshop, Rebel Narrative, and Coding for Girls SORORA E.V., a feminist nonprofit from Germany has won for the 2nd time in a row in the SDG-5: Girls Do IT category, in the Meet and Code Competition, 2021 edition.
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Tactile Scratch for Visually Impaired Students in Romania The Association for Development and the Environment - ADEMED from Romania has won in the SDG-10: Diversity category, in the Meet and Code Competition, 2021 edition.
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The power of data spread among the young generation of European citizens This is a story of our 2021 Winner in the SDG-17 Category, Code for Europe: Connection4Innovation APS from Italy and their event: "Open the Data!".
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Markers United - Belgisch-Franse samenwerking voor Europa Ontwerpen, maken en delen! Een doe-het-zelf project voor een verenigd netwerk van jonge Europese makers. Samen voor een beter Europa.
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Developing DIY Textile Projects Cyborggewebe, the German winner of the Girls do IT! Category, aimed at improving self-confidence and equality of girls in IT and programming.
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MY STORY - refugee children stories and Scratch My Story, the Greek winner of the Diversity category, was a project where refugee children presented their stories to the public using the Scratch platform.
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Learning about environmental issues through programming Ecological IT Quest, the Ukrainian winner of Code for the Planet category, was designed to improve the level of programming of students and teach them about the environment.
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Turning on the light in a suburban neighborhood without a lighting system Code & LightUp, the Italian winner of the Community category, used the potential of coding to make children's creativity transformative and turn on lights in a neighbourhood.
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SAN ROCCO 3.0 - ONTDEK JE BUURT San Rocco 3.0-evenement heeft tot doel een gids te bouwen om mensen te helpen hun lokale buurt te herontdekken.
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MAMMA's EN DOCHTERS CODEREN Wat deden moeders en dochters tijdens een vrij weekendje? Dankzij Meet and Code creëerden twintig moeders en dochters hun eerste website vanaf nul!
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CODING TRAFFIC LIGHTS The Traffic Lights project implemented by Asociația Părinților Ioan Slavici was dedicated to people that are visually impaired, but also to people who are easily distracted.
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AMyZONE Kids from North Macedonia learnt how to use robots and drones to identify and extinguish fires, and evacuate in a state of emergency.
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ROBOT FAIRYTALES The combination of theater and robotics was an easy and funny approach to coding and technology for girls
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WILL YOU COME BACK TOMORROW WITH ROBOTS? “Robotics offline and online” was a great social experience between students with and without handicaps.
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CHILDREN LEARNING TO CODE TO HELP TACKLE COMMUNITY CONCERNS The 'Give IT Back to Community' event aimed to get the attention of children and young people to local community problems.
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GRANDMOTHERS, MUMS, DAUGHTERS - GIRLS DO IT! How three female generations got together to learn to code!
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3D PRINTING SUPPORTS THE ENVIRONMENT 12-year-old polish students applied their knowledge of mathematics, biology and computer science to design and print coral reefs in 3D.
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BIG THINGS START SMALL For children who are hard of hearing, choices of professions are limited and participation in Meet and Code initiative is a chance to get an interesting and demanded specialty
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VOETBAL CODEREN? ER ZIJN GEEN GRENZEN AAN DE CREATIVITEIT VAN DE ORGANISATOREN! De Meet and Code Award 2018-winnaars in de categorie Kick & Code vonden een geweldige manier om de aandacht van kinderen te trekken! Codering van voetbal? Ja, het is mogelijk!
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WHEN KIDS ARE THE DRIVERS, THE RIDE IS WORTHWHILE This is a story about one of those entrepreneurial skilled teachers who wants to do more for her students. Meet Timea Kabai, organiser of a few events in Romania.
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HOW TO ORGANIZE 3D MODELING COURSE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS One of the training projects that regularly takes place at Noosphere Engineering School is designing and assembling a “student 3-D printer”.
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SOMETIMES ALL YOU NEED IS JUST THAT PIECE OF INSPIRATION n 2018, professor Viorel Muscaș, who teaches Computer Science at „Aurel Lazăr” Theoretical High School in Oradea, Romania, decided to pursue his dream of spreading his passion
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LET'S BUILD A 3D PRINTER – SOUNDS EASY, DOESN'T IT? The employees of the Globe Library in Stokesley, inspired by a local IT enthusiast, were thinking about building a 3D printer from scratch.
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KAN CODERING EEN MANIER VAN HERSOCIALISATIE ZIJN? In 2018 werd een Meet and Code-evenement georganiseerd voor 25 jonge delinquenten uit de Kremenchug Educational Colony.
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Ontmoet onze uitstekende coderingsambassadeurs! Zij zijn de mensen die streven naar een wereld waarin alle jonge Europese burgers digitale vaardigheden hebben om hun eigen toekomst te bepalen.

Capturing Bees with Micro-Controller by Lebenshilfe Ennstal from Austria, Winner of Code for the Planet Category in 2021 Get inspired by the story of Lebenshilfe Ennstal whose event raised awareness of an important environmental issue and our planet's greatest endangered treasure: the bees.
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“LET’S BUILD A 3D PRINTER – SOUNDS EASY DOESN’T IT?” – PETER CHANDLER INTERVIEW Peter Chandler was one of the organizers of the “Build our own 3D printer” event held by the Globe Community Library at Stokesley, UK. The event won the Innovation Award.
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"I DON'T PLAN MY IDEAS. I LET THEM SHOW UP WHEN IT IS TIME." — AN INTERVIEW WITH GABRIELA ILEANA CRISAN Gabriela Ileana Crisan was a volunteer involved in the organization of the "Scratch and … Gooal!" event held by Asociata Pro Teodor Murasanu from Romania.
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"BE CREATIVE, PERSEVERE, BE OPTIMISTIC" — AN INTERVIEW WITH ISTVAN BUKOS Istvan Bukos was a volunteer involved in the organization of the "Scratch and … Gooal!" event held by Asociata Pro Teodor Murasanu from Romania.
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