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Meet our new superstar: Jamie Holroyde

The 2022 ambassador search results are in! We’re proud to announce 17-year-old Jamie Holroyde from Aberdeenshire in Scotland as our second Meet and Code superstar winner.

#MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #MeetAndCodeSuperstar

Jamie’s coding journey started at the age of 10 years old when his parents bought him a coding book for Christmas. At the time, he had no idea that a book called Python Hunting would spark his passion and serve as the foundation for his most thrilling endeavour, coding.

Since then, Jamie has conquered the coding space and was recognised by Crest, the British Science Association's scheme for STEM project work that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. He received the gold award a year ahead of his peers, which meant that Jamie could create longer coding assignments packed with authentic research.

Jamie’s main interests are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics, but he excels and enjoys the research side of coding.

“As a purely self-taught person, I’ve had to do research and work out how to apply the code I’m reading about. This has strengthened my research skills and capabilities,” said Jamie.

He also enjoys the unlimited learning opportunities that come with being a coder.

Coding, the foundation of future skills

The Computer Science in the Classroom report shows that as the world of technology evolves, the demand for computer science talent in the UK tech sector is increasing. However, to avoid a skills gap and meet the demand, more young people must consider this as a career option for the industry to continue to grow.

Jamie aspires to become a computer scientist by expanding his existing coding skills. He has already applied to university to pursue his dream. He added, “I love computer science! It is exciting and interesting. It is needed in every industry and our daily lives.”

Jamie and the Photon Robot

As the 2022 Meet and Code superstar winner, Jamie took home a Photon Robot. The robot is designed to work with both younger and older students. You can either use the robot for specifically prepared lesson plans or create your own to learn about any subject.

Jamie has big plans for his prize. “I am thinking of using it at a local club I volunteer at (Everything Electronics) to help younger members transition from Scratch to Python. I think it should be useful as it’s always nice having something physical that you can see move about and program.”

Jamie will also work closely with the Meet and Code team to advocate for coding across Europe.

Click here to read about our first superstar, Stefania Spachou, and her work.