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What are the advantages of e-learning?

We called on a few non-profit organizations from Romania, Poland, Spain, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Italy and Germany to share their insights on e-learning.

#eLearning #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills

To improve the digital skills of Europe’s youth, Meet and Code, Europe’s biggest digital skills youth program provides funding to local non-profit organizations to host workshops across the continent. As a result of the pandemic, the events have been hosted online and have seen many positive outcomes.

Keen to find out more?

Online learning has become part of normal training activities in Europe: “Everyone has been pushed to use technological tools to carry out their activities, even within environments that have historically been very far from the technological world, like our schools and educational environments,” said a representative from Stripes Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, Italy. “As a result, basic technological skills had to be developed.”

e-Learning improves digital skills: “Online education can, and in my experience as a teacher, has already improved the digital skills of both students and teachers,“ Peter Zafka from Spolek Navis in the Czech Republic pointed out. “The online environment expands learning opportunities, improves access to educational resources, and through technology we can connect and continue to learn.”

Online learning encourages collaboration: Ronen Even Tzur from Kids Life Skills in Luxembourg shared that online learning improves access to remote talent in the form of specialized teachers; it encourages self-management and improved virtual communication and collaboration.

There are less limitations: In-person teaching, and learning comes with limitations which e-learning does not. “An e-learning system can reach more people than the standard educational system, therefore information and knowledge can be easily transmitted to help young people develop new skills,” said Catalina and Ravzan Enescu from in Romania.

We’ve been pushed out of our comfort zones: Chairman of 2Piny Association in Poland, Jacek Suliga said that e-learning during the pandemic has flooded both students and teachers alike with new technologies pushing them to adapt and learn. “This has helped everyone overcome their technology-based fears and has helped unite teachers and students through continuous shared learning.”

“To be an active participant of remote education you need to overcome your fears connected with technology - without that you won't be able to take part in it.  In the real world we can often "hide" behind someone. Remote education has also somehow forced digital skills to become necessary to connect us with others, whether we want to or not. We learn best the things we need and not the things that are artificially imposed on us’, said Suliga.

e-Learning still needs structure: Anna Kovbasiuk from Center of European Initiatives in the Ukraine shared some advice with students learning online. “Make sure that you plan when you will be learning and stick to this plan. Ensure that you also have a good study environment where nothing will distract you from the learning process.”

Human contact is still key: “In-person communication with teachers, friends and family is equally important in your daily routine,” said Doris Raab, Head of TalentForumSaar of StudienStiftungSaar in Germany. We’d like to give our valued NPO’s a big thank you for sharing your learnings with us. If you’re an NPO and you’re keen to take part in Meet and Code this year, you can still apply up until 15 September 2021!

To find out more or to apply for funding and get involved visit or connect on InstagramTwitter and Facebook using #SAP4Good #meetandcode and #codeEU.