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Meet and Code starts now!

It is time to begin Meet and Code 2021! This year’s edition will take place between September 1st and October 31st with online events in 35 European countries.

#meetandcode #SAP #BMI #codeEU

We are officially over the moon! It is time to begin Meet and Code 2021!

This year’s edition will take place between September 1st and October 31st. It will be filled with online events focusing on delivering coding, robotics and other digital skills knowledge to children, teens and young adults in 35 European countries.

While the first Meet and Code 2021 events are taking place now, you can still join us! Register your idea on before September 8th and get an up to 500 euro grant to make it happen!

Need some inspiration first?

Check out the Meet and Code manual, browse through endless resources in the Meet and Code Inspiration Library and find other events organized across Europe!

That's not all! Did you know that the most successful events will be considered for Meet and Code Awards in 5 categories: Girls do IT!, Code for the Planet, Diversity, Community, Code for Europe? You can submit your event to the award pool starting November 1st. Learn more about this opportunity now.

While embarking on the Meet and Code adventure, don’t forget to tag us on social media so we can see and share your exciting events #meetandcode #SAP4good #codeEU

See you online!