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Engineering Coding Club

Ursuline High School Wimbledon

Beschrijving The club is to be ran at lunch by the physics and computing department where microbits are programed to create/engineer inventions. We are a girl school. This is a new club we look to run from sept 2024.

The goal of the event is to encourage girls to take Physics and Computing as options for GCSE/KS5 and for further education.

KS3/4/5 is who we look to aim the club at.

The club will allow only a certain amount of students each week and we aim to priorities vulnerable groups such as SEND/EAL/Looked after children and those from ethnic minority backgrounds.

We have been in touch with our local STEM Ambassador and the physics teacher has also has training on how Microbits can be used for engineering.

We aim to start with 20 and then grow numbers or change students to allow others the opportunity to join. We look to buy a class set of microbits and equipment. Later we look to buy lego mindstorm robots and therfore hope for the full funding.


Leeftijdsgroep 11 - 19


Type Offline-Event

Datum 26.09.2024    13:00 - 17:00

Adres 24 Crescent Rd
SW20 8HA London

Max. aantal deelnemers 20 Wil je deelnemen? Contacteer onze lokale contactpersoon.

Deelname is gratis.

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