
3D Modelling and Printing

Ardleigh Green Junior School

Beschrijving This event will teach children about the use of CAD in the real world, how to use TinkerCAD and they will design a product for a purpose. This item will then be printed using the 3D printer.
Our aim is to widen the appeal of STEM to all pupils, but especially those who are currently under-represented in STEM subjects in later education, such as girls.

The children at our school have a lot of enthusiasm for the use of technology and this will be a great way for them to use it for a clear, tangible purpose.


Leeftijdsgroep 9 - 10


Type Offline-Event

Datum 18.10.2024    09:00 - 15:00

Adres Ardleigh Green Road
RM11 2SP Hornchurch

Max. aantal deelnemers 180 Wil je deelnemen? Contacteer onze lokale contactpersoon.

Deelname is gratis.

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