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Meet and Code

Cheltenham Bournside School

Beschrijving Python coding with turtle Graphics and HTML coding
Making them learn the computational skills
Key stage 3(7,8&9)
Motivating students that they can relate these skills in cross curicullum across all subjects.

I am opening this underserved and underrepresented group mainly aiming at girls.


Leeftijdsgroep 12 - 15


Type Offline-Event

Datum 19.09.2024    15:30 - 16:30
26.09.2024    15:30 - 16:30
03.10.2024    15:30 - 16:30
10.10.2024    15:30 - 16:30

Adres Warden Hill Road,
GL51 3EF Cheltenham

Max. aantal deelnemers 20 Wil je deelnemen? Contacteer onze lokale contactpersoon.

Deelname is gratis.

Contact Cheltenham Bournside School Website: Cheltenham Bournside School
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