
Robot Programming Workshop

Eastcote School Parent Teacher Association

Beschrijving Knowledge and Skills the session will teach:
-To create a program to run on a controllable device
-To explain that selection can control the flow of a program
-To update a variable with a user input
-To use a conditional statement to compare a variable to a value
-To design a project that uses inputs and outputs on a controllable device
-To develop a program to use inputs and outputs on a controllable device

This will be taught through the use of Chromebooks, micro:bits, robot kits and programming websites. A visitor would be delivering the workshop, and we would love to have funding to carry on this workshop for further weeks.

The session will be held with 32 Year 6 children, from 8:30 to 12:30 (4 hours) and 32 Year 5 children from 8:30-12:20 (4 hours). It will include 1 pupil premium child (underprivileged) and a young carer. It will also address children who do not have access to their own devices at home and teach them the basics. It will also be delivered to 4 children with special educational needs (ASD).

This visitor came to deliver a 1 hour workshop previously, and the children were eager and asking to have him back in again as they found it very interesting.


Leeftijdsgroep 9 - 11


Type Offline-Event

Datum 18.06.2024    08:30 - 12:30
04.07.2024    08:30 - 12:30

Adres Eastcote Road
DA162ST Welling

Max. aantal deelnemers 64 Wil je deelnemen? Contacteer onze lokale contactpersoon.

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