
Kick-Off for Meet and Code 2019

October 5, Code Week starts - two weeks celebration of creativity, problem-solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities. Join Meet and Code events!

#Code Week

Free Coding Events in 25 Countries

Meet and Code wants every young European has the digital skills they need to shape their own future.  By starting early, kids and youth will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path

We support local nonprofits with grants of up to 500 Euro to organise coding events in cooperation with teachers, parents or libraries and together Empower a Generation.

“During Code Week we celebrate creativity, problem solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities. Meet and Code is a great first step for young Europeans into the digital world. It motivates them to learn together having fun at the same time” says Alexandra van der Ploeg, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at SAP globally.

Meet and Code 2019 will take place as part of the EU Code Week - this year from 5th to 20th of October. What has started in 2017 with 15 countries has grown to 25 countries this year. 1,200+ Meet and Code events chosen from 2,000 application ideas submitted by nonprofits will be available in: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.

Impossible is Nothing

Unplugged activities, workshops using tools such as Scratch or Lego Mindstorms, classes with robots or hack nights in local libraries - the events at Meet and Code are always so diverse. Is seems like the creativity of organisers is endless and nothing is impossible for them: scouts from the UK will code a digital compass for navigation and learn how to make a morse code transmitter. Kids in Italy will study programming along with their grandparents. Students from Poland can participate in workshops during which they will design and print 3D coral reef. Exploring the space is also on the Meet and Code agenda! 

Meet and Code Award

In 2019, we encouraged organisers to think broader and organise coding events showing young people how tech can improve our life. With four categories: Community, Diversity, Girls do IT, Code for your Planet, which are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, Meet and Code is looking for events that contribute to those goals and combine them with the idea of IT and Coding. 

Moreover, until October 20, every Meet and Code event can be voted on and win Public Choice Award.  Explore the event ideas and vote for your favourite one! All finalists will be invited to an amazing Award Weekend and winners will receive 2,000 euros prize.

Who's behind Meet and Code?
Meet and Code was co-created by SAP and Haus des Stiftens gGmbH in Munich, which coordinates the grant-giving process, along with the TechSoup Europe network partners.

Media contact:
Katarzyna Zwolak-Szwechowicz, TechSoup Europe, Warsaw, Poland
Email: kasia@techsoup.orgPhone: +48 22 102 21 34

#meetandcode #SAP4Good