
Kids United Holiday Coding Club

King's Arms Project

Beschreibung King's Arms Project will run two 4-day blocks of coding sessions in the half term for primary school children who have been resettled in the local area. Most of these children are new to the country and live in households with limited incomes and minimal access to IT devices. We will provide an opportunity for children to develop their digital skills while also working on communication and collaboration.

We have chosen to partner with Jam Coding, who will provide expert knowledge and teaching approaches as well as supply the equipment that we do not otherwise have access to. They will run their Minecraft Hackers workshop, which means that even the children with limited English language will be able to join in and develop their understanding of coding through command blocks and broader awareness of computational thinking.

This will be a very special event for the resettled children because for many of them they can engage with ideas and materials otherwise outside of the reach of their families. Their emerging English skills won't pose a barrier for them in this instance and they can enjoy exposure to a fun and exciting world not readily available to them.


Altersgruppe 8 - 11


Typ Offline-Event

Datum 28.10.2024    10:00 - 12:00
29.10.2024    10:00 - 12:00
30.10.2024    10:00 - 12:00
31.10.2024    10:00 - 12:00

Adresse Bedford Sports & Hockey Centre, Chester Road
MK40 4HL Bedford

Max. Teilnehmerzahl 25 Ihr möchtet am Event teilnehmen? Dann kontaktiert bitte den unten genannten Ansprechpartner.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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