The event will teach participants to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems and solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. The lunchtime club will be specifically targeted at the girls in our four Upper Key Stage 2 classes as this demographic is often underrepresented in this field. The club will run every day throughout Coding Week.
The main objective of the lunchtime club is to enhance learning in computing and design & technology. The club will promote hands-on learning and facilitate a deeper understanding of technical knowledge.
Due to our school demographic and catchment area, there are a number of Pupil Premium children (defined as being from low-income families) who will have an opportunity to access both hardware and software that they would not be able to access at home. Creating a more relaxed environment at lunchtime will enable some of the oldest girls in our school to openly talk about their learning and take full advantage of this opportunity.
The event will be shared with parents via our Seesaw communications app, school website and newsletter and in person celebration sessions.