
KS4 Drone coding workshop

Buxton School

Beschreibung The event is designed to teach coding using drones and Ipad's - students will have the opportunity see coding applied and understand how it works when programming drones. The event is also promotional and will support students in developing an interest in a career in software engineering.

What are the goals of the event? To reinforce computational thinking skills, demonstrate application of algorithms in a new programming language (swift), show how skills can be transferred, provide an underserved group the opportunity to work with resources and equipment that they have not used before.

Target group: GCSE Computer Science - 67 students in total. Of which:
34 have English as an additional language
66 are of an ethnic minority
22 are entitled to free school meals
10 are students with special educational needs and
only 19 are female

This event would not only be a method to reinforce learning and promote a career pathway, but would also be seen as a reward from the cohort as the majority of these students would not have the opportunity to interact with drones and Ipads. The school itself has a large number of disadvantaged students and many do not even have devices to work on at home.


Altersgruppe 15 - 16


Typ Offline-Event

Datum 17.10.2024    08:30 - 15:30

Adresse Buxton School
E11 3NN London

Max. Teilnehmerzahl 70 Ihr möchtet am Event teilnehmen? Dann kontaktiert bitte den unten genannten Ansprechpartner.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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