
Year 9 coding for drones

St Cuthbert Mayne School

Beschreibung The event will teach coding to fly drones

The goal of the event is to excite year 9 pupils about coding and the application of coding. The event also seeks to recruit year 9s onto Computing GCSE as they are making their choices for what subjects to pick later in the term.

We are targetting year 9 boys and girls. Flying drones is completely new to these children.

Our school has a very high representation from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. The event also has both girls and boys to encourage girls into STEM subjects.


Altersgruppe 12 - 13


Typ Offline-Event

Datum 26.09.2024    10:00 - 15:00

Adresse Trumlands Road
TQ14RN Torquay

Max. Teilnehmerzahl 90 Ihr möchtet am Event teilnehmen? Dann kontaktiert bitte den unten genannten Ansprechpartner.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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